DECnet-VAX Phase V P.S.I. configuration in open_simh
The addition of HDLC framing support to the DUP11/DPV11 devices in open_simh extends the number of networking products can be used under VMS in the simulator.
The most obvious product to demonstrate is VAX P.S.I., which provides X.25 connectivity. This example uses P.S.I. in its simplest possible mode, with two systems connected back to back, one configured to act as a DCE (X.25 is asymmetric).
P.S.I. is shipped as part of DECnet-Plus, so if you chose not to install it originally, re-run "PRODUCT INSTALL" for DECnet-Plus, and answer yes to the question about installing P.S.I. The rest of your configuration will remain unchanged.
A valid license for "P.S.I." is needed to get started.
If you're feeling confident, you can just run @sys$manager:psi$configure and go through the configurator, to produce your own startup scripts.
To avoid needing to run the configurator, and just use the example scripts below, do the following while logged in as SYSTEM:
$ set def sys$system $ mcr authorize add /id psi$open_security
$ create sys$startup:psi$configure.ncl
$ create sys$startup:psi$enable_decnet_clients.ncl
The following example shows the open-simh and VMS commands required to set up a second DUP11 device, which I needed as I wanted to continue to run DECnet at the same time. You can obviously do it with just a single device if you prefer. Whichever, you will need the patched SEDRIVER mentioned in earlier posts.
sim> set dup ena sim> set dup lines=2 sim> attach dup0 connect=localhost:12350,12351,udp sim> attach dup1 connect=,12371,udp sim> show dup DUP address=2013E028-2013E037*, vector=C0-CC*, BR5, lines=2, 2 units DUP0 attached to Line=0,UDP,12351,Connect=localhost:12350, speed=0 (unrestricted), No Corruption W3 Jumper Installed, W5 Jumper Removed, W6 Jumper Installed DUP1 attached to Line=1,UDP,12371,Connect=, speed=0 (unrestricted), No Corruption W3 Jumper Installed, W5 Jumper Removed, W6 Jumper Installed sim> cont SYSGEN> SHOW /UNI ** UNIBUS map for nexus #3 on 18-AUG-2022 14:08:44.95 ** Address 760050 (83488E28) responds with value 3256 (hex) Address 760052 (83488E2A) responds with value 027E (hex) Address 760054 (83488E2C) responds with value 0290 (hex) Address 760056 (83488E2E) responds with value 01AC (hex) Address 760060 (83488E30) responds with value 3256 (hex) Address 760062 (83488E32) responds with value 027E (hex) Address 760064 (83488E34) responds with value 0290 (hex) Address 760066 (83488E36) responds with value 01C1 (hex) Address 760354 (83488EEC) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760356 (83488EEE) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760500 (83488F40) responds with value 4040 (hex) Address 760502 (83488F42) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760504 (83488F44) responds with value FF58 (hex) Address 760506 (83488F46) responds with value 9906 (hex) ....... SYSGEN> CONN SEB0 /ADA=3 /VEC=%XC8 /CSR=%O760060 /numvec=2
The configuration files for each end are almost exactly the same, but one end needs to be a DCE, and also has a different address.
DTE end:
create x25 access create x25 access security dte class default create x25 protocol ! ! ! Create and set Line: dte-0 ! to use device: DPV-1-0 ! create modem connect line dte-0 communication port DPV-1-0 - , profile "NORMAL" set modem connect line dte-0 - modem control none, speed 56000 , suppress test indicator true ! ! Create and set DTE: dte-0 ! and LAPB link: dte-0 ! using Line: dte-0 ! create lapb link dte-0 profile "PSS" set lapb link dte-0 physical line modem connect line dte-0 , - acknowledge timer 2000 , holdback timer 1000 , maximum data size 261 - , sequence modulus 8, window size 7 ! ! ! Create and set DTE: dte-0 ! using Line: dte-0 ! ! create x25 protocol dte dte-0 profile "PSS" set x25 protocol dte dte-0 link service provider lapb link dte-0 , - inbound dte class PSS , x25 address 2 , outgoing list [[1..32]] , - minimum packet size 16 , maximum packet size 128 , - default packet size 128 , minimum window size 1 , - maximum window size 4 , default window size 3 ! ! Create Local DTE Class: PSS ! create x25 access dte class PSS type local ,profile "PSS" set x25 access dte class PSS local dtes - (dte-0) ! ! Create Local DTE Class: dte-0 ! create x25 access dte class dte-0 type local ,profile "PSS" set x25 access dte class dte-0 local dtes - (dte-0) ! ! ! Create and set templates ! ! create x25 access template default ! ! ! Create and set up X25 Access FILTERS ! ! create x25 access filter X29_SERVER set x25 access filter X29_SERVER priority 1127 , call data value %X01 - , call data mask %XFF create x25 access filter X29_LOGIN set x25 access filter X29_LOGIN priority 2000 , call data value %X01 - , call data mask %XFF create x25 access filter PSI_MAIL set x25 access filter PSI_MAIL priority 3000 , - call data value %XFF00000056332E30204D41494C2D3131 , - call data mask %XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ! ! ! Create applications ! ! create x25 access application X29_LOGIN set x25 access application X29_LOGIN type X29 login, filters - (X29_LOGIN) create x25 access application PSI_MAIL set x25 access application PSI_MAIL type X25, file sys$system:psi$ , u ser "mail$server", filters - (PSI_MAIL) ! ! ! Create Security filters ! ! create x25 access security filter DEFAULT set x25 access security filter DEFAULT acl ((identifier =( * - ), access = ALL)) ! ! ! Create Remote DTEs ! ! create x25 access security dte class default remote dte MATCHALL - remote address prefix * set x25 access security dte class default remote dte MATCHALL rights identifiers - (PSI$OPEN_SECURITY) set x25 access security dte class default remote dte MATCHALL - acl ((identifier = ( * ), access = ALL)) ! ! ! Execute the user-supplied file of NCL commands before ! enabling anything. ! ! ! ! Enable x25 access ! ! enable x25 access ! ! Enable commands related to DTE: dte-0 ! enable modem connect line dte-0 enable lapb link dte-0 enable x25 protocol dte dte-0 ! ! ! Enable the applications ! ! enable x25 access application X29_LOGIN enable x25 access application PSI_MAIL
DCE end
create x25 access create x25 access security dte class default create x25 protocol ! ! ! Create and set Line: dte-0 ! to use device: DUP-1-0 ! create modem connect line dte-0 communication port DUP-1-0 - , profile "NORMAL" set modem connect line dte-0 - modem control none, speed 56000 , suppress test indicator true ! ! Create and set DTE: dte-0 ! and LAPB link: dte-0 ! using Line: dte-0 ! create lapb link dte-0 profile "PSS" set lapb link dte-0 physical line modem connect line dte-0 , - acknowledge timer 2000 , holdback timer 1000 , maximum data size 261 - , sequence modulus 8, window size 7 set lapb link dte-0 interface type dce ! ! ! Create and set DTE: dte-0 ! using Line: dte-0 ! ! create x25 protocol dte dte-0 profile "PSS" set x25 protocol dte dte-0 link service provider lapb link dte-0 , - inbound dte class PSS , x25 address 3 , outgoing list [[1..32]] , - minimum packet size 16 , maximum packet size 128 , - default packet size 128 , minimum window size 1 , - maximum window size 4 , default window size 3 set x25 protocol dte dte-0 interface type dce ! ! Create Local DTE Class: PSS ! create x25 access dte class PSS type local ,profile "PSS" set x25 access dte class PSS local dtes - (dte-0) ! ! Create Local DTE Class: dte-0 ! create x25 access dte class dte-0 type local ,profile "PSS" set x25 access dte class dte-0 local dtes - (dte-0) ! ! ! Create and set templates ! ! create x25 access template default ! ! ! Create and set up X25 Access FILTERS ! ! create x25 access filter X29_SERVER set x25 access filter X29_SERVER priority 1127 , call data value %X01 - , call data mask %XFF create x25 access filter X29_LOGIN set x25 access filter X29_LOGIN priority 2000 , call data value %X01 - , call data mask %XFF create x25 access filter PSI_MAIL set x25 access filter PSI_MAIL priority 3000 , - call data value %XFF00000056332E30204D41494C2D3131 , - call data mask %XFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ! ! ! Create applications ! ! create x25 access application X29_LOGIN set x25 access application X29_LOGIN type X29 login, filters - (X29_LOGIN) create x25 access application PSI_MAIL set x25 access application PSI_MAIL type X25, file sys$system:psi$ , u ser "mail$server", filters - (PSI_MAIL) ! ! ! Create Security filters ! ! create x25 access security filter DEFAULT set x25 access security filter DEFAULT acl ((identifier =( * - ), access = ALL)) ! ! ! Create Remote DTEs ! ! create x25 access security dte class default remote dte MATCHALL - remote address prefix * set x25 access security dte class default remote dte MATCHALL rights identifiers - (PSI$OPEN_SECURITY) set x25 access security dte class default remote dte MATCHALL - acl ((identifier = ( * ), access = ALL)) ! ! ! Execute the user-supplied file of NCL commands before ! enabling anything. ! ! ! ! Enable x25 access ! ! enable x25 access ! ! Enable commands related to DTE: dte-0 ! enable modem connect line dte-0 enable lapb link dte-0 enable x25 protocol dte dte-0 ! ! ! Enable the applications ! ! enable x25 access application X29_LOGIN enable x25 access application PSI_MAIL
Example of X.29 terminal and P.S.I. Mail connections
$ set host/x29 pss.2 %PAD-I-COM, call connected to remote DTE Unauthorised access is prohibited Username: WHATEVER Password: ^Z $ $ mail MAIL> send To: psi%dte-0.2::YOURUSERNAME Subj: Hello Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit: hello ^Z MAIL> $
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