DECnet-VAX Phase V WAN connectivity with simh
Installing VMS and DECnet-Plus
HP's VMS Hobbyist program used to make the VMS 7.3 distribution CD available as an ISO image file. While there is no longer an official hobbyist program, I would imagine that the CD image is findable if you look hard enough.
Once in possession of an image of the VAXVMS073 CD, you can install it using your simh configuration of choice, which must have a Qbus or Unibus.
There are plenty of examples out there to help with VMS installation, but if starting from scratch, you boot from the CD; use standalone backup to expand saveset B onto your normal boot medium, then boot as normal and go through the installation dialogue. During the installation you should choose to install DECnet-Plus (aka Phase V).
Here's an example:
To make the system fully useful, you'll need a valid license loaded for at least VAX-VMS and DVNETEND (endnode) or DVNETRTG (router). Once again, HP no longer provide these, but you can either use an old license and set the system date in the past, or try googling for pakgen.c...
Once you have got the installation up and running, log in to the SYSTEM account, and use
to configure DECnet-Plus. An example dialog follows. This was done on an already-configured system, so it comes up with some useful defaults, but it should be reasonably clear what to do in a fresh installation. I found that the configuration failed if I booted the system without an Ethernet device, so you will probably end up with an Ethernet routing circuit configured. You'll need to turn this off, or just boot without an Ethernet device, when you want to try out the WAN device (unless you configure the system as a router).
$ @net$configure Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS network configuration procedure This procedure will help you create or modify the management scripts needed to operate DECnet on this machine. You may receive help about most questions by answering with a question mark '?'. Configuration last run by TREVOR on 29-MAR-2022 12:31:28.13 %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common APPLICATION script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common EVENT script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common MOP_CLIENT script The following NCL script files have been modified since being created by this procedure: SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR]NET$ROUTING_STARTUP.NCL; SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR]NET$DDCMP_STARTUP.NCL; SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR]NET$MODEM_STARTUP.NCL; SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR]NET$MOP_CIRCUIT_STARTUP.NCL; SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]NET$MOP_CLIENT_STARTUP.NCL; This procedure may create a new version of these scripts or modify information contained within them. In all cases, any previously created NCL scripts are renamed to "file.NCL-OLD", so that you may review any of your previous changes. Configuration Options for Node TOGATH [0] Exit this procedure [1] Perform an entire configuration [2] Change naming information [3] Configure Devices on this machine [4] Configure Transports [5] Configure Timezone Differential Factor [6] Configure Event Dispatcher [7] Configure Application database [8] Configure MOP Client database [9] Configure Cluster Alias [10] Replace MOP Client configuration * Which configuration option to perform? [1] : 1 * Enter the directory services to use on the system [LOCAL] : * Enter the full name for directory service LOCAL [local:.togath] : * What is the synonym name for this node? [TOGATH] : * What type of node (Endnode or Router)? [ENDNODE] : * Enter PhaseIV Address [29.452] : * Do you want to configure Wide Area devices? [YES] : This is the Configuration Procedure for the =========================================== VAX Wan Device Drivers for DECnet/OSI for VMS ============================================= The Wide Area Network Datalinks and Drivers are a prerequisite for DECnet/OSI. They also provide synchronous datalinks in systems that do not use DECnet/OSI for networking. Access to DECnet/OSI datalinks (created by NCL) is possible via the QIO interface to the WAN pseudo-driver, WANDRIVER. Layered products that use synchronous devices do not normally require programming access to WANDRIVER. For further information, see the "DECnet/OSI for VMS WANDD Programming" guide. Do you wish to use WANDRIVER [N] ? y Will you use DEC HDLC [Y] ? Will you use LAPB/E (VAX P.S.I. requires LAPB/E) [Y] ? The DSV11 (Q-bus), DIV32 (Q-bus), DSB32 (BI-bus), DSF32 (MI-bus) and DSW devices are soft-loadable. The WANDD startup procedure will load the microcode for these devices if required. Do you have any soft-loadable microcode devices on this system [N] ? Will you use the VAXft DSF32 device driver [N] ? Are you satisfied with the answers you have given [Y] ? If you have already started up the WAN Drivers and Datalinks (that is, if you have already successfully run SYS$STARTUP:WANDD$STARTUP.COM since your system was last booted), then you will need to reboot your system for your new configuration to take effect. %NET$CONFIGURE-I-SCANCONFIG, scanning device configuration - please wait Determining DTSS timezone rules from OpenVMS information... Answer YES to the next question if you wish to change the current NSP transport configuration: Maximum number of logical links: 200 Maximum Transmit and Receive Window: 20 Maximum Receive Buffers: 4000 Flow Control Policy: Segment Flow Control * Do you want to replace the existing NSP transport script? [NO] : Answer YES to the next question if you wish to change the current OSI transport configuration: Maximum number of logical links: 200 Maximum Transmit and Receive Window: 20 Maximum Receive Buffers: 4000 OSI applications over TCP/IP: Enabled DECnet applications over TCP/IP: Enabled * Do you want to replace the existing OSI transport script? [NO] : %NET$CONFIGURE-I-EVDFND, Event Dispatcher NCL script already exists * Replace Event Dispatcher NCL script file? [NO] : %NET$CONFIGURE-I-APPLICATIONFND, application NCL script already exists * Replace application script file? [NO] : Summary of Configuration Node Information: Node Type: ENDNODE Directory Services Chosen: LOCAL Primary Directory Service: LOCAL Local Full name: local:.togath Node Synonym: TOGATH Phase IV Address: 29.452 Phase IV Prefix: 49:: Autoconfiguration of Network Addresses: Enabled Session Control Address Update Interval: 10 Routing ESHello Timer: 600 Routing ES Cache Size: 512 Device Information: Device: XEA0 (DEUNA/DELUA): Data Link name: CSMACD-0 Routing Circuit Name: CSMACD-0 Transport Information: NSP Transport: Configured Maximum number of logical links: 200 Maximum Transmit and Receive Window: 20 Maximum Receive Buffers: 4000 Flow Control Policy: Segment Flow Control OSI Transport: Configured Maximum number of logical links: 200 Maximum Transmit and Receive Window: 20 Maximum Receive Buffers: 4000 OSI applications over TCP/IP: Enabled DECnet applications over TCP/IP: Enabled Congestion Avoidance Disabled Event Dispatcher Configuration: Sinks: local_sink Outbound Streams: local_stream Phase IV Relay: Enabled * Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts? [YES] : %NET$CONFIGURE-I-MODCHECKSUM, checksumming NCL management scripts modified by NET$CONFIGURE %NET$CONFIGURE-I-NOTREPLACED, SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]NET$APPLICATION_STARTUP.NCL; was not replaced %NET$CONFIGURE-I-NOTREPLACED, SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL; was not replaced %NET$CONFIGURE-I-FLUSHCACHE, flushing selected cache entries Node 0 at 2022-06-16-18:27:10.930+01:00Iinf %NET$CONFIGURE-I-NODERENAMED, node successfully renamed to local:.togath Node 0 Session Control at 2022-06-16-18:27:13.130+01:00Iinf Node 0 Session Control at 2022-06-16-18:27:13.170+01:00Iinf Node 0 Session Control at 2022-06-16-18:27:13.260+01:00Iinf Node 0 Session Control at 2022-06-16-18:27:13.340+01:00Iinf Node 0 Session Control at 2022-06-16-18:27:14.370+01:00Iinf Characteristics Maintain Backward Soft Links = True Directory Service: Local name file Node name: LOCAL:.TOGATH Phase IV synonym: TOGATH Address tower protocol and selector values: Session: DNA_SessionControlV2 (SC2) 00 13 Transport: DNA_OSItransportV1 (TP4) DE C0 Routing: DNA_OSInetwork (CLNS) 49::00-1D:AA-00-04-00-C4-75:21 (29.452) Session: DNA_SessionControlV2 (SC2) 00 13 Transport: DNA_NSP (NSP) (no selector value) Routing: DNA_OSInetwork (CLNS) 49::00-1D:AA-00-04-00-C4-75:20 (29.452) Number of nodes reported on: 1 %NET$CONFIGURE-I-NODEISREG, node is already registered in the LOCAL directory service Node 0 at 2022-06-16-18:27:16.180+01:00Iinf %NET$CONFIGURE-I-NODERENAMED, node successfully renamed to local:.togath %NET$CONFIGURE-I-CONFIGCOMPLETED, DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS configuration completed %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common APPLICATION script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common EVENT script %NET$CONFIGURE-I-USECOMMON, using cluster common MOP_CLIENT script Configuration Options for Node TOGATH [0] Exit this procedure [1] Perform an entire configuration [2] Change naming information [3] Configure Devices on this machine [4] Configure Transports [5] Configure Timezone Differential Factor [6] Configure Event Dispatcher [7] Configure Application database [8] Configure MOP Client database [9] Configure Cluster Alias [10] Replace MOP Client configuration * Which configuration option to perform? [0] : 0
Configuring simh and VMS
Simh only supports two synchronous interfaces that are also supported by DECnet-Plus, which are the DUP11 and DPV11. Neither of these are auto-enabled in simh, and nor do they auto-configure in VMS. You will need lines such as the following in your simh configuration file, to enable one or other device, and tell simh to connect to a particular IP address with UDP, and a specific port on both ends. At the other end of the link you could have a PyDecnet router, or another simh node.
I prefer using UDP for these simulated connections as it's easier to use tcpdump to debug issues, and arguably UDP's non-guaranteed-delivery semantics are more analagous to a real WAN link than using TCP.
set dup ena attach dup connect=,12346,udp OR set dpv ena attach dpv connect=,12348,udp
sim> show dup DUP address=2013E028-2013E02F*, vector=C0-C4*, BR5, lines=1 attached to Line=0,12346,Connect=, speed=0 (unrestricted), No Corruption W3 Jumper Installed, W5 Jumper Removed, W6 Jumper Installed $ mcr sysgen SYSGEN> SHOW /UNIBUS ** UNIBUS map for nexus #3 on 16-JUN-2022 17:45:30.54 ** Address 760050 (83488E28) responds with value 0200 (hex) Address 760052 (83488E2A) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760054 (83488E2C) responds with value 0080 (hex) Address 760056 (83488E2E) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760354 (83488EEC) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760356 (83488EEE) responds with value 0000 (hex) Address 760500 (83488F40) responds with value 404F (hex)
$ mcr sysgen CONN SEA0 /ADA=3 /VEC=%XC0 /CSR=%O760050 /numvec=2
$ mcr ncl create modem connect line ddcmp-0 communication port sea0 set modem connect line ddcmp-0 modem control none create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 protocol point create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0 set ddcmp link ddcmp-0 phys line modem connect line ddcmp-0 enable ddcmp link ddcmp-0 enable ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0 create routing circuit ddcmp-0 type ddcmp set routing circuit ddcmp-0 data link entity ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0 enable routing circuit ddcmp-0 enable modem connect line ddcmp-0
NCL>show ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logi stat * all Node 0 DDCMP Link ddcmp-0 Logical Station ddcmp-0 at 2022-06-17-11:21:04.890+01:00Iinf Identifiers Name = ddcmp-0 Status UID = 20995E20-EE27-11EC-8005-AA000400C475 State = On Protocol State = Running Characteristics Address = 1 Babble Timer = 6000 Maximum Transmit = 4 Holdback Timer = 0 Transmit Window = 1 Counters Creation Time = 2022-06-17-11:20:35.970+01:00Iinf NAKs Received Indicating Header Block Check Error = 0 NAKs Received Indicating Data Field Block Check Error = 0 NAKs Received Indicating REP Response = 0 PDUs Received with Header Block Check Errors = 0 PDUs Received With Data Field Block Check Error = 0 NAKs Sent With REP Response = 0 Local Reply Timeouts = 0 Remote Reply Timeouts = 0 Buffers Temporarily Unavailable = 0 Buffers Too Small = 0 NAKs Received Indicating Buffers Temporarily Unavailable = 0 NAKs Received Indicating Buffer Too Small = 0 No Replies To Select = 0 Incomplete Replies To Select = 0 SDUs Sent = 14 SDUs Received = 16 Selection Intervals = 0 SDU Octets Sent = 337 SDU Octets Received = 535 Send Error Thresholds Reached = 0 Receive Error Thresholds Reached = 0 Selection Error Thresholds Reached = 0 Locally Initiated State Changes = 0 Remotely Initiated State Changes = 0 STRTs Received While In Maintenance = 0 NCL> NCL>show routing circuit * all Node 0 Routing Circuit ddcmp-0 at 2022-06-17-11:22:11.890+01:00Iinf Identifiers Name = ddcmp-0 Status UID = 20D66720-EE27-11EC-8005-AA000400C475 State = On Data Link SDU Size = 576 Data Link Port = DDCMP Port $0 Characteristics Type = DDCMP Template = "" Data Link Entity = DDCMP Link ddcmp-0 Logical Station ddcmp -0 Manual Data Link SDU Size = 1492 Explicit Receive Verification = True Recall Timer = 60 write only attribute: Transmit Verifier = <Default value> write only attribute: Receive Verifier = <Default value> Counters Verification Rejects = 0 Data PDUs Received = 15 Data PDUs Fragmented = 0 Data PDUs Transmitted = 12 Segmentation Failure Discards = 0 Circuit Changes = 1 Changes in Adjacency State = 1 ID Reachability Changes = 0 Initialization Failures = 0 Rejected Adjacencies = 0 Control PDUs Sent = 2 Control PDUs Received = 2 Corrupted Hello PDUs Received = 0 Creation Time = 2022-06-17-11:20:36.370+01:00Iinf NCL> NCL>show routing circuit ddcmp-0 adjacency * all Node 0 Routing Circuit ddcmp-0 Adjacency RTG$0001 at 2022-06-17-11:22:45.090+01:00Iinf Identifiers Name = RTG$0001 Status Type = Autoconfigured State = Up Neighbor Node Type = Phase IV Router Router NETs = { 49::00-1D:AA-00-04-00-D5-75:00 (LOCAL:.TWPD) }
$ trace start "modem_connect line *" $ ! do something to generate traffic $ trace stop $ trace analyze OR to look at it live: $ trace start/live "ddcmp link ddcmp-0"
DPV11 Postscript
$ patch sys$loadable_images:sedriver.exe /absolute repl/inst 3f25 'MOVB (R7),B^07(R0)' exit 'NOP' exit repl/inst 3f30 'MOVB (R10),B^06(R0)' exit 'MOVW (R10),B^06(R0)' exit repl/inst 3ec8 'MOVB (R10),B^06(R0)' exit 'NOP' exit repl/inst 3ed8 'MOVB (R7),B^07(R0)' exit 'MOVW (R10), B^06(R0)' exit repl/inst 3ef9 'MOVB (R10),B^06(R0)' exit 'NOP' exit repl/inst 3f0b 'MOVB (R7),B^07(R0)' exit 'MOVW (R10), B^06(R0)' exit update
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