DECnet-VAX Phase V P.S.I. configuration in open_simh
The addition of HDLC framing support to the DUP11/DPV11 devices in open_simh extends the number of networking products can be used under VMS in the simulator. The most obvious product to demonstrate is VAX P.S.I., which provides X.25 connectivity. This example uses P.S.I. in its simplest possible mode, with two systems connected back to back, one configured to act as a DCE (X.25 is asymmetric). P.S.I. is shipped as part of DECnet-Plus, so if you chose not to install it originally, re-run "PRODUCT INSTALL" for DECnet-Plus, and answer yes to the question about installing P.S.I. The rest of your configuration will remain unchanged. A valid license for "P.S.I." is needed to get started. If you're feeling confident, you can just run @sys$manager:psi$configure and go through the configurator, to produce your own startup scripts. To avoid needing to run the configurator, and just use the example scripts below, do the following while logged in as SYSTEM: $ set def ...