Time Electronics 9814 Programmable Voltage Calibrator

I left school having just turned 17 after my 'A' levels in 1980, needing to fill a year before going to University, and ended up working at Time Electronics in Tonbridge. The company made electronic calibration lab instruments, and I worked there for a year before University, and then in most vacations subsequently until I started my first post-graduation job at DEC in 1984. More reminiscences about this in a future post perhaps. The biggest project I was involved with was a new range of programmable instrumentation, with remote operation via IEEE-488/GPIB and local front panel controls. This range included voltage and current sources, a programmable resistance, multi-way switch, and screwdriver *(1). Later on, a multi-function calibrator was produced, combining several functions in one unit. Since I retired from actual paid employment a few years ago, I've been slowly collecting working versions of things I worked on during my career. For example, using simh, I ...